Entries referred to § 5 TMG
Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH
Haus Heide 12
58553 Halver
Commercial Register:
Amtsgericht Iserlohn
Registration number:
HRB 7154
VAT registration number.:
Represented by:
Dieter Hoffmann
Phone: +49(0)157 51588737
Responsible for the content
Managing Director
Liability for Content
The contents of our internet pages were put together carefully. Nevertheless, mistakes and errors cannot be excluded. For this we assume no liability. We request in the individual case that you contact us for more information. We are grateful for being notified of such mistakes or errors.
Links to third-party Websites
The Web pages of Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH contain links to third-party Websites. At the time of inserting these links, Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH satisfies itself that any directly-linked sites are free from illegal content. Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH does not however have any influence over the content of linked websites and is unable to monitor these on a permanent basis. Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH therefore accepts no liability for the content of websites accessed via its links, insofar as these are subsequently altered. Nor does this data protection declaration apply to such websites.
The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question.
Data Protection Declaration
Protection of your private sphere while processing personal information is of major importance to Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH. Personal data collected on visitors to our website is processed in accordance with the legal provisions prevailing of the GDPR.
We process your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations based on the GDPR. We process the data that you disclose to us as part of your application solely for the purpose of selecting applicants. Data processing for other purposes does not take place. You yourself specify the scope of the data that you would like to submit to us as part of your application. Online applications are electronically transferred to our personnel department and processed there as quickly as possible. The transmission is encrypted. As a rule, applications are forwarded to the heads of the responsible specialist departments in our company. In addition, there is no disclosure of your data. Your information will be treated confidentially in our house. In case of unsuccessful application, your documents will be deleted after 6 months after the end of the application process. In the event that we may also consider your application in other or future job advertisements, we ask for a note on the application. We then process your data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR. Your consent can be revoked at any time. Until the consent is revoked, the processing of data is lawful.
Collection and processing of personal data
When you visit our website, our web servers automatically store your internet service provider, the website from which you visit us, which of our websites you are visiting, as well as the date and duration of your visit.
Restricted use and transfer of personal data
Your personal data will be used solely for the purpose for which it is made available. Personal data will be collected and transmitted to institutions or authorities in the relevant countries only to the extent required by mandatory legislation in those countries. Our employees are under obligation to keep secret and confidential and also to safeguard any personal data made available to them.
We would like to use your data to inform you about our company and our products, subject of course to your approval. If at a later date, you no longer wish to receive such information, you may notify us at any time by post and your data will be deleted.
Right to information
Upon request, Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH will advise you as quickly as possible in writing, whether any of your personal data has been stored by the company and if so, which data. If in spite of our efforts to maintain accurate and up-to-date data, incorrect information has been stored, we shall correct such information upon request.
Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH will apply technical and organisational security measures to protect your data against either accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or unauthorised access. Our security measures, which include encoding data, will be regularly upgraded to keep abreast of technological developments.